Allegro Dance Boutique Blog

Dance Inspires: Celebrate Women Through Movement!
Celebrating International Women's day, here are some ladies that are an inspiration in Dance.
Dance World Cup 2024
We are so excited to be a part of the extraordinary experience at The Dance World Cup Finals 2024 in Prague, from June 27th until July 6th ! As the largest dance competition for children in the world, with over 9500...
How to 3/4 Shank Your Pointe Shoes
To ¾ shank, or not to ¾ shank? That is the question. In this post, we’ll go through the basics of this popular technique for shank customization, and by the end, you'll hopefully be able to answer that question for...
Pointe Shoe Myth Busting #1: Beginner vs. Pro Shoes
Welcome to the first of many posts about pointe shoe myths! Pointe shoe myths exist across all brands and models. Typically, these myths are rooted in some degree of truth--however, the myth stems from very outdated information. We don't expect...
How pointe shoes are made
Making pointe shoes is an art, one which is steeped in tradition, passed down from generation to generation. The Allegro team was fortunate enough to watch a master shoe maker from Suffolk Pointe Company show us how they make their pointe...
How to use a theraband
Therabands are one of the simplest, most versatile ways to increase strength in your whole body.
How to use a Foot Stretchers
We all want gorgeous feet. Achieving the arch of your dreams must be done with high quality tools and proper knowledge and safety.
When is it time for new pointe shoes?
Knowing when it's time to retire a pair of pointe shoes and get a new pair is important for your technical development, as well as injury prevention.
Tips to prevent sickling
In dance, sickling of the foot is a break in the line of the foot, such that the ankle rolls out when a dancer points the foot or goes up in relevé. Sickling of the foot is not desirable visually...
How to use a turn board
Learn how to use a turn board to achieve the pirouettes of your dreams!
What to know for your first pointe shoe fitting
Congratulations! You're getting your first pair of pointe shoes! Here's what you need to know for a successful fitting.